Two Indonesian Photographers Went to the Top 12 of PEFC International Photo Contest!

In the 4 th year joining the PEFC Photo Contest with holding a national level photo contest, IFCC managed to collect more than 1500 photos capturing the beauty of Indonesian forest. Every year, the winners of IFCC Photo Contest are competed again in the PEFC International Photo Contest. Indonesian photographers have delivered tremendous achievement since 2017 in the PEFC Photo Contest. Starting 2017, one of IFCC Photo Contest winners was chosen as the top 12 of the PEFC International Photo Contest. In 2018 and 2019, not only one but two of IFCC Photo Contest winners were selected as the top 12 of PEFC International Photo Contests.

This year, Indonesia has repeated the success story. And yes, two out of five IFCC Photo Contest 2020 winners are successfully secured two spots for the next round that chosen by the international jury as the top 12 best photo of PEFC International Photo Contest 2020. Those photos are the masterpieces of Ismail Abd Muttalib with the title The Beauty of Walakiri Beach and Chairil with the title Morning Activity. These are the wonderful photos that selected by PEFC!



Ismail Abd Muthalib is the 1 st winner while Chairil is the 4 th winner of IFCC Photo Contest 2020. Both of them shared their thought about how forest inspires them to take their winning photo.

Ismail Abd Muthalib:
“For me, a good photo has to give some magical sensation and giving imagination beyond our senses. My photo masterpiece is about forest ecosystem which is pictured by some connected living things and it is always been interesting for me in all perspective. In 2019, the Indonesian forest area is 94,1 million hectares or 50.1% of total land area and Indonesia has become one of the lungs of the earth. So, I hope my photo can give some inspiration to all about the importance to develop and maintain forest preservation.”

“Forest is an area of life for all types of living things, all life starts from the forest. My personal feelings about forests today are very worried, especially in Indonesia because the number of forests is decreasing very fast. We used to be rich in forests, now we are starting a crisis over forest land. Hopefully this t will be resolved quickly. But apart from that, I am very grateful to be in the areas that still have many forests which can be immortalized through photography work. One of which is the forest on Mount Gede Pangrango which has a lake we call it Situ Gunung. This lake really provides an extraordinary view when we are here in the morning. So I made the picture of it. With this photo I can show how beautiful the natural atmosphere is here.”

Both Ismail and Chairil have same passion toward photography and have concern about our forest. Their passions are the reason why now we can see these photos. Congratulations and thank you to both winners for such amazing photos and achievements for Indonesia!