Media News Bulletin from PEFC Asia Pacific March 2021

Talking about

- it is Real & Virtual!

While PEFC believes strongly in maximising the responsible use of tangible materials from sustainable forests, like timber, pulp, paper, wood-chips and even fibres for fashion, we also accept the reality these days to communicate in a virtual fashion! Hence Webinars and Zoom events – past, present and future - are the order of the day. Where-ever you are, you can participate in Tomorrow’s Timber Talk on 11 March when architectural engineer Pablo van der Lugt gives a deep insight into the principle of bio-based construction, as well as the latest developments in prefabrication options and construction process advantages of Mass Engineered Timber. There’s more.

PEFC Collaborates with ASEAN Furniture Industry Members

PEFC is collaborating with the ASEAN Furniture Industries Council (AFIC) to promote responsible sourcing of timber in the region and Chain of Custody certification for the furniture industry. This important collaboration will be announced by Emmanuel Padiernos, Chairman of AFIC, at a forum in Manila on 9 March, the first day of the ASEAN International Furniture & Furnishings Show 2021 which runs until 18 March. PEFC’s CEO Ben Gunneberg will be speaking at the forum about Sustainable Forest Management in the region and how ASEAN furniture industry members can join the global movement to meet consumer demand for environmentally-friendly products and services. Photo by Harith Green Carpenter, Malaysia. More on AFIC here.

PEFC on Managing Social Risks for Natural Rubber

Climate resilient growth for natural rubber production depends on how well we manage the hard risks and soft risks, PEFC’s CEO Ben Gunneberg said in the online panel discussion organised by the International Rubber Study Group on 3 March. He pointed out that as 85% of natural rubber is produced by 6 million farmers – mostly in Southeast Asia – there’s a need to have partnerships in place to meet Sustainable Development goals and to foster a sustainable raw material supply chain. Go here for the full recording of the webinar.

Vietnam First to Certify Natural Rubber & Rubberwood

The fact that 12 000 hectares of Acacia and Rubber plantation has been certified by Vietnam Forest Certification Office (VFCS) before the endorsement of PEFC has shown substantial Vietnamese stakeholders’ determination to make the national system work. “We are also delighted to be the first and only member so far to supply the first PEFC certified natural rubber and rubberwood," said Dr. Bui Chinh Nghia, Chairman of VFCS. Meeting - and even exceeding - the global benchmark in sustainable forest management has strengthened Vietnam’s belief that it’s moving in the right direction in building a national forest certification system. Read more.

First PEFC Controlled Source Indonesian Merbau Shipped

The first shipment of the prized Merbau roundwood to go through such an intense PEFC certification and verification process started its journey from Indonesia to New Zealand late last month. This year DoubleHelix started switching Certisource customers to PEFC Chain of Custody (CoC) certification, the first two being PT Forest Indo Perkasa and PT Larasati Multisentosa. Auditor Teguh Dwi Pambudi, who is responsible for overseeing due diligence and verification processes in Indonesia, says: “PEFC controlled sources claims provide the confidence that consumers need, so they know they are getting wood products from non-controversial sources”. Go to DoubleHelix for more.

Australia & New Zealand Cooperate On Responsible Wood

Australia's forest sustainability champion Responsible Wood will present at the New Zealand Green Building Council webinar series at 12noon (NZST) and 10am (AEDT) on 10 March. The webinar on “Sustainably Sourced Engineered Wood for a Low Carbon Future” will feature a panel of experts discussing PEFC certification and the future of engineered wood products. Sustainable architect at Scion, Andrea Stocchero, will tackle the question ‘can sustainably-sourced engineered wood be one of New Zealand’s shovel-ready answers for a sustainable future?’. Read more

Photographer Committed to Preserve & Protect Forests

Award winning photographer, Keril Chairil, tells us why he loves, but also worries about, the forest and what makes the place where he took his photo so special. He knows PEFC works very hard to protect forests and hopes it will be able to solve the concerns of people like him, who also wants to preserve and protect forests. "I hope that this competition can be a way for PEFC to give people a sense of care and love for forests". That from Keril Chairil, the winner of our 2020 ‘Experience Forests, Experience PEFC’ photo contest, who tells us more about his winning photograph and his love of forests. See more.

Forest Files: How Malaysia Manages Sustainable Forestry

Last year, local environmental portal published four in-depth articles based on their investigation into forest-use changes in Peninsular Malaysia. Called Forest Files, the series explored issues such as forest-use policies, key drivers of forest loss and also how citizens could influence forest use. Siti Syaliza Mustapha, Senior Manager (Forest Management) at the Malaysian Timber Certification Council, talks about the role of the MTCC, which promotes the certification of forestry and timber products in Malaysia that meet international standards of practice, and whether this can promote sustainable logging and sustainable forestry. Listen to the latest report here.

PEFC Joins APEC Experts on Illegal Logging & Trade

Seventeen economies from Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) participated in the 19th meeting of EGILAT - Experts Group on Illegal Logging and Associated Trade - held virtually on 19 and 20 February 2021. Participants shared updates on the implications of COVID-19 and exchanged information on combating illegal logging and promoting trade in legal forest products. They also discussed the progress regarding the EGILAT policy theme on “Advancing the Trade and Distribution of Legally Harvested Forest Products.”  Siti Syaliza Mustapha from MTCC reported on how PEFC has continued to manage certification, audit and compliance activities during the pandemic. More on EGILAT here.

World Furniture: How Consumers Buy Furniture Online

Chain of custody certification is vital for a furniture company to advance its sustainability credentials. If it can also show that it’s using certified sustainable packaging materials and it’s taking care to be carbon-conscious with its shipping method, that’s the additional sort of assurance an online shopper needs. That's the essence of the PEFC article by Ken Hickson in World Furniture Magazine March 2021 issue. It mentions an online retailer in Singapore selling European-made furniture with wood sourced from Asia, that goes out its way to tell the sustainability story and proudly shows the PEFC certification labels. For Soul and Tables, sustainability and responsible sourcing is at the heart of its business. See the World Furniture article here.

PEFC/IFCC Chain of Custody Training for Auditors

To maintain the highest possible standards for issuing PEFC's Chain of Custody (CoC) Certification, intensive training courses are conducted throughout the Asia Pacific region. Auditors, reviewers and certification decision makers are invited to register for the next PEFC recognised CoC initial training, which is being conducted in Indonesia on 6-8 April 2021. This training is a pre-requisite before anyone can issue certification against the 2020 PEFC CoC related standards. The training will be given by PEFC International Technical Experts Nurcahyo Adi and Rudy Setyawan from Indonesian Forestry Certification Cooperation (IFCC). There's more here.

MTCC Debuts at the MIFF Virtual B2B Furniverse 2021

In line with its continuous effort to reach out to timber industry players and increase awareness on forest and timber certification, the Malaysian Timber Certification Council (MTCC) is making a debut at the virtual B2B furniture fair, MIFF Furniverse 2021 which takes place from 8 until 12 March. This is the latest digital event experience by the Malaysian International Furniture Fair (MIFF), one of the top furniture fairs across the globe, especially in Southeast Asia. MTCC CEO, Yong Teng Koon said such virtual trading experience is the go-to in today’s business sphere and an ideal platform for the council to consistently connect and update industry players in these challenging times. Read more.


Why Certified Eco-Labels are important for Consumers, Retailers, Industry & Governments

Products from Asia Pulp & Paper (APP) Sinar Mas, one of the biggest paper packaging companies in Asia. It proudly shows the PEFC label on its products, which verifies that they are Chain of Custody certified and come from Sustainably Managed Forests.

Feature article from the
Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC)
2 March 2021
"Ecolabels are usually awarded by an impartial third party for specific products or services that have been independently determined to meet transparent criteria based on life cycle considerations, in contrast to other ‘green’ symbols, or claim statements developed by manufacturers and service providers." (Australian Government 2020 Sustainable Procurement Guide)
Why Certified Eco-Labels are important for Consumers, Retailers, Industry & Governments
What does an eco-label tell you about a product before you buy it?
If it has the PEFC label, it gives you the assurance that it comes from a sustainably managed forest and it's gone through a Chain of Custody certification process, with third party verification.
But more than that, national sustainable forest management requirements for PEFC, have 15 important criteria, including:
  • Maintenance, conservation and enhancement of ecosystem biodiversity
  • Protection of ecologically important forest areas
  • Climate positive practices such as reduction of GHG emissions in forest operations.
PEFC has been recognised by the Australian Government as a 'trusted eco-label' in the 2020Sustainable Procurement Guide released by the Department for Environment. Whilst this publication is designed for government entities, it will ultimately have utility beyond government as large corporates often pick these up to reform or inform their own procurement guides and requirements.
Responsible Wood, representing PEFC in Australia and New Zealand, says this guide provides step-by-step guidance on how to consider sustainability in the different stages of the procurement process, from identifying the business need to the end of the contract, including review and reporting.
The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) says that with “eco-labels, we can select products and services according to specific environmental and social criteria:
“What this means is that as consumers, eco-labels guide our purchasing decisions by providing information about the ‘world’ behind the product. For businesses, eco-labels are a means of measuring performance and also communicating and marketing the environmental credentials of a given product. And for governments, crucially these tools encourage the behavioural change of producers and consumers towards long-term sustainability.”
When you see the PEFC label on a product, it means that it comes from a PEFC-certified forest. A PEFC-certified forest is a forest that is managed in line with the strictest environmental, social and economic requirements. A forest that will be around for generations to come.
Through PEFC certification, we can track the material from these forests, down the supply chain, to the final product that you buy. The mechanism to track the material is called chain of custody certification. Beyond ensuring that the material comes from a certified forest, it also protects the rights of workers along the production process.
Indonesia's leading pulp and paper producer Indah Kiat, for example, is one of that wisely displays the PEFC label on its paper products. Committed to preserving the environment and to contributing to the fight against global warming, Indah Kiat Serang's environmentally friendly operations are complemented by an extensive tree planting programme for the mill and it's vicinity.
Recognition of the PEFC label goes beyond procurement to investment decisions. PEFC achieved the highest ranking in the 2020 assessment against ASEAN’s Guidelines for Promoting Responsible Investment in Food, Agriculture and Forestry (ASEAN RAI), thanks to its coordinated national and regional approach. The ASEAN RAI Guidelines offer guidance on food, agriculture and forestry investments to agribusinesses, governments, financial institutions and producers.

Indonesian forest certification system submitted for endorsement

The Indonesian Forestry Certification Cooperation (IFCC) recently submitted their national forest certification system to PEFC for re-endorsement. The public consultation, your chance to give your feedback on this revised system, will run from 8 March until 7 May.


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IFCC, the PEFC national member for Indonesia, revised the country’s national forest certification system following the entry into force of the revised 2018 PEFC Sustainable Forest Management standard.

The revised IFCC Forest Certification Scheme is also one of the first national systems submitted to PEFC for endorsement that includes a Trees Outside Forests (TOF) standard. TOF certification was one of the innovative developments of the 2018 PEFC Sustainable Forest Management standard.

To provide you with additional information about this revised national system and the new TOF standard, we are holding a webinar on 9 March, at 8:00 CET (14:00 WIB). The webinar is free to attend, and everyone is welcome. 

Register for the webinar


The endorsement process

After revising the national system in line with PEFC requirements, IFCC submitted the revised system to PEFC for endorsement. The national system is now undergoing the PEFC assessment process, carried out by an independent PEFC Registered Assessor. It must pass this process and be approved by the PEFC General Assembly before it can achieve endorsement.

An important aspect of the assessment process is the public consultation. Over the sixty-day consultation, stakeholders from around the world can give their comments and provide feedback on any aspect of the system. The Registered Assessor will use the information received from this consultation in their assessment of the system.

Want to know more? Join us for the webinar on 9 March – register now! 



Leadership in Sustainable Forest Management in Asia

Malaysia will showcase the role of its forest in the global climate battle at Expo 2020 Dubai, which commences on 1 October 2021. With the theme “Energising Sustainability”, Malaysia will feature a net zero carbon Rainforest Canopy pavilion. Image from the Malaysian Green Technology and Climate Change Centre.

Feature from the
Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC)
8 February 2021
“Malaysian forests, with their complex ecosystems and richness in species of both flora and fauna, is considered one of the world’s mega-diverse countries.” (FAO 2020.)
Leadership in Sustainable
Forest Management in Asia
Malaysia is recognised globally for achieving the right balance between conservation and development. It has managed to retain 50% of total land area as tropical forest and at the same time developed a timber export industry that is the envy of its Asian neighbours.
As a major producer and exporter of tropical timber products, the country achieved total export of timber and timber products of RM17.81 billion – that’s the equivalent of US$4.4 billion - from January to October 2020, according to data by the Department of Statistics Malaysia and the Malaysian Timber Industry Board.
This is particularly significant as it occurred when the pandemic was raging around the world, and it remains in line with the export of timber products over the past decade, which have averaged around RM20 billion annually, thus reflecting the industry’s importance to Malaysia’s economy.
How did a country that relied so heavily on its primary resources manage to maintain so much of its forest areas amidst population growth and meeting demands for more infrastructure and pressure to extract more timber?
The answer lies in the far-sighted vision of the country’s leadership towards sustainable development.
Ensuring a balance between the development of the timber industry and the conservation of forests - numbered among the world’s oldest forests - is the role of certification. That’s the view of Malaysia Timber Certification Council (MTCC) Chairman Kamaruzaman Mohamad.
He adds: “Ensuring proper balance between development and nature preservation is not a walk in the park, especially when Malaysia depends on timber resources as one of its income earners.” 
But the global pandemic has brought to the forefront new studies on the importance of conserving forest in cushioning its effects on livelihoods and the overall wellbeing of Mother Earth in the future.
The United Nations’ Department of Economic and Social Affairs reported in June 2020 that “research indicates that land conservation, reduction of forest loss and fragmentation, creation of buffer zones through forest restoration could reduce human-wild animal interactions and thus reduce the risk of future disease outbreaks.”
The Food & Agriculture Organisation (FAO), in its latest 2020 report notes: “The tropical forests in Malaysia are important national treasures and will continue to play important roles in ensuring the stability of the ecosystem and are closely linked to the socioeconomic development of the country and the wellbeing of the people”.
All this adds to what Malaysia plans to showcase at Expo 2020 in Dubai, which starts on 1 October 2021 - delayed for a year by the pandemic - where the achievements of the forestry sector will figure prominently in Malaysia’s theme “Energising Sustainability”.
Central to this is the role played by the Malaysian Timber Certification Scheme (MTCS) – managed by MTCC - when in 2009 it became the first certification scheme for tropical forests in the Asia Pacific to be endorsed by the Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC), the world’s largest forest certification system.
Malaysia might have been the first country in Asia for PEFC, but its good example has encouraged others in the region to join, including Thailand, Vietnam, Myanmar, Indonesia, Japan, Korea and China.
But Malaysia has also continued to set the scene in Asia for sustainable forest management. It was awarded the Gold Medal for achieving the biggest increase in PEFC-certified forest area in 2020 – the best in the world - with over 950,000 hectares in 10 forest management units in Johor, Sabah and Sarawak.
The FAO also acknowledges that “the key objective of the forest management in Malaysia has been to ensure the continuity of product flow, while conserving the complex ecosystems and maintaining the rich and varied in flora and fauna. Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) remains the common policy thrust in Malaysia, in line with sustainable development goals”.
It’s worth pointing out that Malaysia’s leadership in Sustainable Forest Management in the ASEAN region and its 20-year involvement with forest certification, has helped PEFC achieve the highest ranking in the 2020 assessment against the ASEAN RAI Guidelines, thanks to its coordinated national and regional approach. 
The Association of Southeast Asian Nations’ (ASEAN) Guidelines for Promoting Responsible Investment in Food, Agriculture and Forestry (ASEAN RAI) offers guidance on food, agriculture and forestry investments to agribusinesses, governments, financial institutions and producers.
Which all goes to show that Malaysia’s achievements in Sustainable Forest Management, along with its support for the timber exporting industry, have gone hand-in-hand with its record in the conservation of natural forests.
A perfect fit for the future, too.

Media News Bulletin from PEFC Asia Pacific February 2021

Big Global Boost for Mass Engineered Timber Buildings

The move to Mass Engineered Timber buildings in Asia Pacific and around the world received a big boost when Jaguar Land Rover - owned by Tata Motors of India - announced last month that its Advanced Product Creation Centre has the largest mass engineered timber roof in the United Kingdom. Encompassing 1,512m³ of PEFC-certified glulam beams and 2,674m³ of cross laminated timber (CLT) panels manufactured by Binderholz, the engineered timber roof makes a huge design statement covering an area of over 50,000m2.Tata Motors, India’s largest automotive manufacturer, has been the parent company since 2008, and in 2013 the Jaguar and Land Rover brands merged to form one unified company. More from PEFC here.

MANGO Labels & Paper Shopping Bags PEFC-certified

Next time you buy a Mango branded fashion item - in store or onllne - check out the packaging. The Spanish fashion brand represented around the globe, insists that 100% of MANGO shopping bags are made from PEFC-certified paper sourced from sustainably managed forests. In addition, all MANGO labels use certified cardboard, most often carrying the PEFC logo, a guarantee that it's from sustainably managed forests, and do not contribute to the deforestation of forests at the risk of extinction. Read more about MANGO & sustainability here.

PEFC "trusted ecolabel" in Australian Procurement Guide

PEFC has been recognised by the Australian Government as a 'trusted ecolabel' in the new Sustainable Procurement Guide released by the Department for Environment. Whilst this publication is designed for government entities, it will ultimately have utility beyond government as large corporates often pick these up to reform or inform their own procurement guides and requirements. Responsible Wood, representing PEFC in Australia and New Zealand says this guide provides step-by-step guidance on how to consider sustainability in the different stages of the procurement process, from identifying the business need to the end of the contract, including review and reporting. Read more here.

MTCC & Eco Sense for the Paper, Print & Packaging Forms

Sustainable Paper Trends and the Need for PEFC Certification in collaboration with Malaysia Timber Certification Council (MTCC), was the theme of the Eco sense Forum/Webinar conducted at the end of last month. Participants learnt how Chain of Custody certificate holders can gain access to global markets. The Eco Sense Forum also helped businesses to gain a deeper understanding on how to work with other economic sector players on their supply chain compliance. Pictured is Teo Seng's Certified Paper Egg Cartons. MTCC wanted the forum to aid better informed decision making for SMEs in the print, paper and packaging industry, much needed in these times of economic uncertainty.  See and hear more here.

Canadian Influence for Mass Timber Building in Asia

While climate change and its related effects remain a global challenge, in the Canadian province of British Columbia (BC), municipalities are taking action to reduce its impact at the local level. Cities and towns across are encouraging low carbon construction using light-frame wood and mass timber, along with high-performance energy-efficient design. All of which they hope will lead to greater economic growth. BC's Forestry Innovation Investment (FII) is also encouraging Asian countries to come on board. It's encouraging wood use in construction and prefabrication by leveraging Chinese government initiatives around construction industrialisation and green building. BC is also active in India South Korea and Japan. Read more.

PEFC Joins International Rubber Study Group (IRSG)

The International Rubber Study Group (IRSG) is an inter-governmental organization with the main objective of improving the transparency of the world rubber market and strengthening the international cooperation on rubber issues. IRSG is pleased to announce PEFC International has joined the IRSG Panel of Associates. PEFC as one of its Founding Members of the Global Platform for Sustainable Natural Rubber (GPSNR). PEFC will be launching its Supporting Sustainable Rubber campaign (SSR) in April this year. It is in PEFC’s DNA to meet the needs of smallholders in the forestry sector, and as approximately 85% of rubber production globally comes from smallholders, it is essential that they are meaningfully represented in this new platform. Read More.

PEFC Says Plant More Urban Trees to Cut Heat Island Effect

More of us live in cities than ever before. But cities are the big producers of greenhouse gas emissions, leading to polluted air. Urban trees can help by reducing energy needs and cleaning the air. Singapore’s climate-change problems are compounded by the Urban Heat Island effect. Thanks to hard, heat-absorbing surfaces, the temperature of a built-up urban area can be several degrees higher than the land around it. That variance has grown to 7 degrees Celsius from 4.5 degrees Celsius in 2004, according to research by the Cooling Singapore project at the Singapore-ETH Centre (SEC), a research partnership between the city-state and Switzerland.  See the PEFC video

Asia Pacific Rayon's Sustainable Future in Global Compact

Asia Pacific Rayon (APR) has been accepted as a United National Global (UN) Compact member, joining the global network of over 10,000 companies committed to building a sustainable future by implementing the Ten Universal Principles of the UN Global Compact on human rights, labour, environment, and anti-corruption. APR has PEFC Chain of Custody certification as this provides independent verified assurance that the certified forest-based material contained in a product originates from certified sustainably managed forests. Read all about it.

Alert for Asia Pacific Architects: Call for WAF Prize Entries

Asia Pacific architects need to know that the World Architecture Festival (WAF) now takes place 1-3 December 2021 in Lisbon, Portugal. The Festival moved from the original dates in June, due to the ongoing uncertainty created by COVID-19. The entry deadline is now 7 May 2021. For the third year in a row, PEFC is sponsoring the Best Use of Certified Timber Prize. The Prize rewards architects and project teams for using certified timber as the main construction material for buildings outstanding in sustainability, innovation, quality or aesthetics. Read More

If you need more information on any of the items above, or any other work by PEFC in Asia Pacific, feel free to contact:
Or go to PEFC International: